Your overweight is a reason for you to think about your health. Retaining a large quantity of fats and excess kilos slows down the functioning of your body systems, which is a precondition for the development of diseases. You are just about to enter the Obesity column.
You suffer from obesity. You should seriously consider the condition of your healt. You have an urgent need to lose weight and normalize your body's processes.Herba detox is an ideal helper for a healthy way to lose weight.
You are overweight. Now is the time to think about losing weight. This will help prevent health problems in the future.
With Herbs Detox you can detoxify your body, which is a very good start in the fight against weight loss. The combination of moderate nutrition with Herba Detox is a natural and healthy way to handle the extra pounds.
You are slightly overweight. It is possible that your organism retains fluids, which is the reason for your slightly oversized waistline. It is better for you to go on a more moderate diet, and adding Herba Detox tea to your everyday diet would be the perfect way to cope with those extra few kilos.
Congratulations! Your physical indicators show that your weight is within the healthy limits.
However you might have places with fat accumulation. Herba Detox tea is your ideal assistant to help you fight them. One package of Herba Detox tea is a good start to detox and bring harmony back in your body.
You are falling within the slightly underweight group. Pay attention to your diet.
If you wish, you may detox your body with 1 package of Herba Detox tea. This will tone up your organism and will charge you important vitamins.
You are underweight. We advise you to change something in your food habits.
Tea is not recommended for children under 10 years of age!
If your child is overweight at this age, we advise you to consult a doctor - dietitian.
We recommend that you consult us, because every child’s organism is strictly individual and by talking to us we could take together the best decision for your child.
You fall in the severe obesity group. You must urgently take care of your health.Loosing weight is a serious and important step towards improving your health. If you wish, you can consult with us by calling on the phone +44 20 3519 7707